E-Catalog > CEM Microwave > Automated Protein Digestion & MS Sample Preparation
Product Information :
- เครื่องมือวิทยาศาสตร์ / สารเคมีและวัสดุภัณฑ์สำหรับห้องปฏิบัติการ
- CEM Microwave
- สินค้า, ผลิตภัณฑ์
Product Detail :
The DigestPro™ is a dedicated protein digestion and sample preparation system for MS based proteomics. It completely automates all essential steps of protein digestion protocols and easily works with both in-solution and in-gel based methods.
In addition sample clean-up and MALDI spotting can be automated. It achieves high throughput with up to 96 samples at a time. The whole procedure is performed under controlled and reproducible conditions that is essential for protein analysis by mass spectrometry.
- Automated in-gel or in-solution digestion
- Ready-to-run optimized programs with full customizability
- Freely selectable temperature for each step (heating and cooling)
- Use of standard lab buffers and solutions (low running costs)
- Desalting and concentration with ZipTips (or similar reversed phase tips)
- MALDI target spotting
- Modular work area setup for individual instrument configuration
Simplified Proteomics
Easily prepare samples for protein analysis by mass spectrometry.
The DigestPro is a single instrument for in-solution digestion, in-gel digestion, and sample clean-up including desalting and enrichment.
Ready-to-use protocols can be immediately used for high-throughput rapid automation of all steps necessary. Additionally, all steps can be easily customized as needed.
Solution Digestion
- Reduction of disufide bonds
- Alkylation of cysteine residues
- Enzymatic Digestion (up to 70°C)
- Clean Up and Enrichment with Zip Tips or StageTips
In-Gel Digestion
- Reduction of disulfide bonds
- Alkylation of cysteine residues
- Enzymatic digestion (up to 70°C)
- Optional: Clean-up and Enrichment with ZipTips or StageTips
- Washing of gel slices and elution of peptides. The needle adds liquids from a distance, never touching the sample and thus avoiding any risk of cross contamination